streda 15. decembra 2010


PLACE: Carrousel du Louvre – Paris
DATE: 18-21 NOV. 2010


List of exhibitors 2010:

AUSTRIA: Johannes Faber, Vienna (B38) - Ernst Hilger*, Vienna (E33)
BELGIUM: Fifty One Fine Art Photography, Antwerp (B31)
CANADA: Stephen Bulger*, Toronto (A22)
CHINA : 798 Photo Gallery, Beijing (A15)
CZECH REPUBLIC: Leica Gallery*, Prague (A28)
DENMARK: Martin Asbaek Gallery, Copenhagen (A38) - Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, Copenhagen (J27)
FINLAND: Anhava, Helsinki (H26) - TaiK, Helsinki (A20)
FRANCE: galerie Anne Barrault*, Paris (J22) - Camera Obscura, Paris (A20) – Philippe Chaume*, Paris (B20) - Les
Filles du Calvaire, Paris (B30) - Galerie du jour agnès b., Paris (A44) - Galerie Loevenbruck*, Paris (B33) - Lumière
des Roses, Montreuil (E36) - Magnum Gallery, Paris (G25) – melanieRio Gallery*, Nantes (H23), Obsis, Paris (C29) -
Françoise Paviot, Paris (B16) - Serge Plantureux, Paris (B18) - Polaris, Paris (B37) - Galerie RX, Paris (C35) - Le
Réverbère, Lyon (F20) - SAGE Paris*, Paris (B32) - Toluca, Paris (A24) - Anne de Villepoix*, Paris (A17) - Vu’ La
Galerie, Paris (B41) - Esther Woerdehoff, Paris (B17) - Xippas, Paris/Athens/Montevideo (A31)
GERMANY: Bernheimer Fine Art Photography, Munich (J26) - Daniel Blau, Munich (B21) - DNA, Berlin (J29) - Kuckei
+ Kuckei, Berlin (A35) - M Bochum, Bochum (B36) - Robert Morat Gallery, Hamburg (H25) - Priska Pasquer, Cologne
(B22) - Tanit, Munich (E31)
HUNGARY: Vintage, Budapest (A18)
ICELAND: I-8 Gallery*, Reykjavik (B40)
IRAN: Silk Road, Tehran (B42)
ITALY: Brancolini Grimaldi, Rome/Florence (F27) - Forma Galleria, Milan (J25) - Guido Costa Projects, Turin (B35)
JAPAN: Foil Gallery, Tokyo (A19) - MEM, Osaka (B39) - Photo Picture Space*, Osaka (J30) - Taro Nasu, Tokyo (B27)
LUXEMBURG: Beaumontpublic*, Luxemburg (A39)
NETHERLANDS: Flatland, Utrecht (G19)
POLAND: Galeria Asymetria*, Warsaw (C32)
PORTUGAL: Pente 10, Lisbon (A41)
SOUTH AFRICA: Michael Stevenson, Cape Town (G24)
SPAIN: Juana de Aizpuru, Madrid (F25) - La Fabrica Galeria, Madrid (H24) - Max Estrella, Madrid (A29) - Toni Tápies,
Barcelona (H20)
UAE: The Empty Quarter Gallery, Dubai (A16)
UK: Bernard Quaritch, London (A32) - Eric Franck Fine Art, London (G22) - Flowers Gallery*, London (A37) -
Hamiltons, London (G23) - Robert Hershkowitz, Sussex (J23) - Michael Hoppen Gallery, London (A25) - The
Photographers Gallery, London (B25) - Purdy Hicks, London (D36)
USA: Barry Friedman*, New York (G20) - Bonni Benrubi, New York (J20) - Janet Borden*, New York (A34) - Stephen
Daiter*, Chicago (G26) – Gitterman Gallery*, New York (A40) - Howard Greenberg, New York (F24) - Edwynn Houk,
New York (F23) - Robert Klein, Boston (F22) - Robert Koch, San Francisco (B19) - Hans P. Kraus jr, New York (A21) -
M+B*, Los Angeles (C36) - Robert Mann Gallery, New York (H27) - Laurence Miller, New York (B28) - Yossi Milo*,
New York (B26) - Yancey Richardson, New York (A27) - Bruce Silverstein, New York (H22)
CZECH REPUBLIC: Hunt Kastner*, Prague (E32)
HUNGARY: Faur Zsófi-Ráday Gallery*, Budapest (D31) - Lumen Gallery*, Budapest (D33)
POLAND: ZPAF i S-ka Gallery*, Krakow (C31) - Czarna*, Warsaw (C33)
SLOVAKIA: Photoport Gallery*, Bratislava (D34)
SLOVENIA: Photon Gallery*, Ljubljana (D32) - Galerija Fotografija*, Ljubljana (E34)
CZECH REPUBLIC: Torst/Kant*, Prague (C22)
FRANCE: Actes Sud*, Arles (A30) - Filigranes Editions, Paris/Trézélan (A26) - Librairie 213, Paris (C12) - Tissato
Nakahara, Paris (C16) - Denis Ozanne, Paris (C14)
GERMANY:, Cologne (C10)
JAPAN: Book Shop m, Tokyo (C4) - Seigensha*, Kyoto (C8)
SLOVENIA: Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E*, Ljubljana (C24)
UK: Phaidon, Paris/London (B29) - Steidl, Göttingen/London (E30) – Woodfinch, London (C4)
USA: The Aperture Foundation, New York (A36) - Harper’s Books, East Hampton (C18)
* New participants

sobota 4. decembra 2010

Gerda Steiner & Jörg Lenzlinger / Comment rester fertile ?

exhibition: Comment rester fertile ?
artists:  Gerda Steiner & Jörg Lenzlinger
place: Centre Culturel Suisse de Paris

streda 1. decembra 2010

Didier Marcel / sommes-nous ľélégance

exhibition: sommes-nous ľélégance
place: Musée d art moderne de la ville de Paris
date: 8 october 2010- 2 january 2011
artist: Didier Marcel
curator general:  Fabrice Hergott
exhibition curator: Francois Michaud


more info

nedeľa 28. novembra 2010

SOPHIE CALLE- Rachel, Monique

exhibition: Rachel, Monique
place: Palais de Tokyo
date: 20 october -28 november 2010


In 2012 the Palais de Tokyo will inaugurate a new area wich is today unused : an additional 9 000 m2.
Before the renovation takes place, this additional part will be open to visitors for unusual installations. Sophie Calle project's is one of them :
She has been called successively Rachel, Monique, Szyndler, Calle, Pagliero, Gonthier, Sindler.
My mother liked to be the object of discussion. Her life did not appear in my work, and that annoyed her.
When I set up my camera at the foot of the bed in which she was dying - fearing that she would pass away in my absence, though I wanted to be present and hear her last words - she exclaimed: "Finally." Sophie Calle

More info:

štvrtok 25. novembra 2010

FRESH HELL / Palais de Tokyo

exhibition: FRESH HELL
place:  Palais de Tokyo
date: 10 october 2010- 16 january 2011

artists: Bas Jan Ader, Barbara Bloom, Jonathan Borofsky, Angela Bulloch, Maurizio Cattelan,Anne Collier, Martin Creed, Gino De Dominicis, Walter De Maria, Jessica Diamond, Matias Faldbakken, Isa Genzken, Geert Goiris, Dan Graham, Philip Guston, Raymond Hains, David Hammons, Georg Herold, Martin Kippenberger, Michael Landy, Hanna & Klara Liden, Nate Lowman, Sarah Lucas, Ana Mendieta, Henri Michaux, Reinhard Mucha, Bruce Nauman & Frank Owen, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Rob Pruitt, Steven Shearer, Roman Signer, Agathe Snow, Rudolf Stingel, Rosemarie Trockel, Valie Export, H. C. Westermann, et des oeuvres du musée de cluny - mnma, paris


By mapping the artist’s brain, desires, and influences, the carte blanche gives a fresh slant on the creative process and aesthetic correlations. In the wake of Ugo Rondinone in 2008 and Jeremy Deller in 2009, Adam McEwen (British artist living in New York) hatches an extraordinary scheme and creates a dialogue between medieval sculpture and conceptual art, vaults and attempts to levitate, forgotten artists and those already blessed by history. When faced with this history, what stance can an artist take today? Everything has been done already? Great, now we can finally get to work! The exhibition FRESH HELL dives into history, recent or distant, but doesn’t bore through the strata. Instead, it skims horizontally and nonlinearly, generating multiple paradoxes and stirring up a breath of fresh air that is constantly sucked away by ghostly shadows.

More info


utorok 23. novembra 2010

Les vigiles, les menteurs, les rêveurs / Erudition concrète 3

exhibition: Les vigiles, les menteurs, les rêveurs / Erudition concrète 3
place: Le Plateau Paris
during: 16 september → 14 november 2010 
curator: Guillaume Désanges
artists: Agence, Mathieu K. Abonnenc, Jean Amblard, Eric Baudelaire, Luis Camnitzer, Julius Eastman, Mario Garcia Torres, Jean-Luc Godard, Tamar Guimaraes, Monument to Transformation (Vit Havránek et Zbynek Baladrán), Walid Raad …


Description :

Exhibition showing the problematic between art and knowledge. Should style be favoured despite scientific conventions? To what extent can art be used in the transmission of information? Artists address this huge subject through all kinds of creations, mixing fiction and reality, historic objectivity and creation, archive and personal collection.


nedeľa 14. novembra 2010


exhibition: ANTIDOTE 6
place: Galerie des Galeries
date: 14 octobre 2010 - 8 january 2011
curator: Guillaume Houzé
artists: (private collection of Ginette Moulin and Guillaume Houzé) 
Victor Man, Pietro Roccasalva, Markus Schinwald, Niels Trannois, Tatiana Trouvé, Ulla von Brandenburg et Andro Wekua



"Hamdoulah ca va"

exhibition: "Hamdoulah ca va"

place:59 rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris

date:6-23 october 2010

curators:Mohamed Bourouissa and Nabila Mokrani

artists:Ben Dhaou, Alfa Eiko, Karim Kal, Alexis Masurelle and Massinissa Selmani


More info



sobota 6. novembra 2010

FIAC 2010/ Cour carrée du Louvre

FIAC 2010/ Cour carrée du Louvre

21-24 octobre 2010



piatok 5. novembra 2010

FIAC 2010 / Grand Palais

FIAC 2010 / Grand Palais
21 -24 october 2010

More photos HERE


utorok 2. novembra 2010


the contemporary Art Fair
21-24 october 2010


The SHOW OFF Art Fair in Paris Seduces And Stuns The Public With A SOLO SHOW Format

Amidst the giants of the contemporary Art Fairs going on right now in Paris, SHOW OFF, the little sister to be of the magnanimous FIAC, seduces and stuns the public with a select offering of 30 monographic art shows.  Struggling to keep up with the ever expanding FIAC, the most important art fair in France, and the ever increasing number of competing shows, SHOW OFF decided to stand out among the crowd by offering a more intimate look at the prevailing trends in contemporary art today.  With an emphasis on spotlighting established European galleries, SHOW OFF opts for quality as opposed to quantity and invites the visitor to delect the artists work as a complete entity.  Situated under the Alexander III Bridge in the center of Paris, SHOW OFF is the place to be for cutting-edge contemporary art set in a delighful setting along the banks of the river Seine.

pondelok 1. novembra 2010

SLICK 2010 / contemporary art fair

SLICK 2010 / contemporary art fair PARIS

21-24 october 2010
place: Esplanade du Palais de Tokyo

More photos HERE

Galerie Artaban, Paris (FR)
Bodson-Emelinckx Gallery, Brussels (Belgique)
Capital Culture, Londres (GB)

The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, Londres (GB)
Galerie Jeanroch Dard, Paris (FR)
Ilan Engel Gallery, Paris (FR)
Estace, Paris (FR)
Gallery Etemad, Téhéran (Iran)
Galerie Felli, Paris (FR)
Fonds Canson pour l'Art et le Papier (FR)
Galerie Claire Gastaud, Clermont-Ferrand (FR)
Annie Gentils Gallery, Anvers (Belgique)
Gist galerie, Amsterdam (Pays-Bas)
Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Paris (FR)
Heartgalerie, Paris (FR)
Heidigalerie, Nantes (FR)
Galerie Catherine Issert, St Paul de Vence (FR)
JAS, Paris (FR)
JTM Gallery, Paris (FR)
Galerie L’Aléatoire, Paris (FR)
L.A Gallery, Plaissan (FR)

Licht Feld, Bâle (Suisse)
Livart, Paris (FR)
Galerie Nikki Diana Marquardt, Paris (FR)
Nukod Galerie, Paris (FR)
Galerie Odile Ouizeman, Paris (FR)
Galerie Paris-Beijing, Paris (FR) / Pekin (Chine)
Galerie Samantha Sellem, Paris (FR)
Seven Art Limited, New Delhi (Inde)
Galerie Véronique Smagghe, Paris (FR)
Studio 55, Paris (FR)
Vanessa Suchar, Paris (FR)
Galerie Sycomore Art, Paris (FR)
Galerie Béatrice Soulié, Paris (FR)
The Drawing Room, Makati City (Philippines)
The Drawing Room Gallery, Lahore (Pakistan)

The Flat, Milan (Italie)
The Running Horse, Beyrouth (Liban)
Twelve Gates Gallery, Philadelphia (USA)
Galerie Twenty One, Paris (FR)
Virgil de Voldere Gallery, New-York (USA)
Wilde Gallery, Berlin (Allemagne)
Galerie Zeitgeist, Paris (FR)

FIAC 2010 / Tuileries

exhibition: FIAC 2010 / Tuileries
place: jardins Tuileries
21-24 october 2010

artists and art works:
Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla, Human legacy ; Carl Andre, Breda ; Darren Banks, Palace Video : Mobile Cinema ; Mark Dion, Library for the Birds of the Tuileries ; Mounir Fatmi, I like America, (Tribute to Jacques Derrida) ; Otto Freundlich, Composition ; Bruno Gironcoli, Untitled (The Unbegotten) ; Subodh Gupta, Untitled ; Thomas Houseago, Untitled (Lumpy Figure) ; Rodolphe Huguet, Goulu ; Rolf Julius, From ast Autumn (Tuileries) ; Yayoi Kusama, Narcissus Garden ; Guillaume Leblon, Population sommaire ; Jean-François Leroy, Modules activés 1 et 2 ; Markus Lupertz, Shepherd ; Justin Matherly, Why don't you put your beautiful head between your legs, where your reason sits among the lice of your debauchery and the running sores of your depravity ; Jonathan Meese, Die Humpty-dumpty-mashiner der totalen zukunft ; Richard Nonas, Sans Titre ; Not Vital, Tongue ; Bernard Pagès, L'Echappée III ; Jean Prouvé, Maison Ferembal; Ugo Rondinone, Turn back time, lets start this day again ; Assan Smati, Dos Santos ; Takis, Les Planètes, Electra ; Franz West, Eidolon, Untitled ; Virginie Yassef et Aurélie Godard, Flatland.

sobota 30. októbra 2010

REHAB, l’art de re-faire (Espace Fondation EDF)

exposition: REHAB, l’art de re-faire
artists: Pauline Bastard, Damien Berthier, Lucie Chaumont, Mario D’Souza,
Christian Gonzenbach, Tue Greenfort, Eva Jospin, Gordon Matta Clark, Los
Super Elegantes, Steve Lyons, Gyan Panchal, Ian Pedigo, Romain Pellas,
Michael Samuels, Gitte Schäfer, Marian Teeuwen, Mierle Laderman Ukeles,
Douglas White
curator: Bénédicte Ramade
setdesigner: Emmanuel Lagarrigue
place: Espace Fondation EDF
27 october 2010 – 20 february 2011


viac info:

VANESSA BRUNO/ art, mode, design

exhibition: Art, mode, design
place: Galerie des galeries
25 june - 14 august 2010

viac foto TU

Prominent figure in French fashion, Vanessa Bruno was selected for the second edition of Paris & Création event, organized by les Galeries Lafayette.

Credited for her energy and various inspirations, Vanessa Bruno incarnate the talent « made in Paris » across the world. The French stylist will have carte blanche for this expo setted at the Galerie des Galeries, unveiling her universe, confluence of differents artistic inspirations.

This installation is one of the most important events of the « Paris & Création » : 8 culturals institutions among Centre Pompidou and the Palais de Tokyo will expose in the display window of the Galeries Lafayette to encourage the artistic activities in Paris


exhibition: LE RÊVE AMÉRICAIN...
curator: Claude David-Basualdo
place:  le Parc de la Villette
21 april - 15 august 2010

Viac foto TU

viac info na



artist : Odile Decq / Camille Henrot
exhibition: PERSPECTIVE
7 jul az 5 september 2010
curator: Hervé Mikaeloff
designer : Adrien de Melo

A new horizon opens with “Perspectives”.
For the first time, the Espace culturel Louis Vuitton is concentrating on two artists. Two women, two French citizens, two different and complementary offerings. Odile Decq is an established architect who has just completed the extension and fitting of the MACRO (Rome); Camille Henrot is a 31-year-old visual artist pre-selected for the Prix Marcel Duchamp 2010.
The meeting of their two visions gives the “Perspectives” exhibition all of its meaning. Sixteen works, which are creations for the most part, offer an attempt to understand space and the world by means of a twofold view. Perspective is a way of seeing and foreseeing, a trompe l’oeil, an oblique way of representing objects in order to better reveal them.

more info

nedeľa 15. augusta 2010



Vo francuzskom umeleckom casopise Beaux Arts n*310, je predstaveny zaujimavy, umelecko -socialny projekt Ice House Detroit, dvoch umelcov, Gregoryho Holma a Matthewa Raduna, ktory bol zrealizovany tuto zimu (2009-2010). Opusteny, zmrazeny dom je symbolom absurdneho, vyludneneho, nefunkcneho pribytku, ktory straca svoj prvotny vyznam, ciel, svoju podstatu. Tito dvaja politicky angazovani umelci reaguju na politicke, socialne a rasove problemi Detroitu.

viac info:

Seymourpowell Aircruise Concept

A ked uz sme pri designe....
Minuly mesiac bol v Parizi odprezentovany projekt Seymourpowell Aircruise Concept, ktory by sa mal zrealizovat do roku 2015. Jedna sa o neskutocny lietajuci hotel, ktory sa presuva prostrednictvom prirodnej energie. Kapacita je cca 100 pasazierov, na palube je restika, bar, fitness a polovica apartmanov by mala byt duplexovych. Hotel sa bude presuvat cca 150km/hod a umozni preletiet atlantik za 2 dni. Projekt navrhla designerska agentura Seymourpowell pour Samsung.
Ako so scifi filmu....


viac info:


VEASYBLE je zaujimavy designersky projekt, o ktorom som sa docitala v Beaux arts magazine n*311. Ide o papierove sperky a modne doplnky, ktore sa behom okamihu mozu premenit na prostriedok izolacie, ochrany. Klucove slova tohto talianskeho projektu su: ornament, intimita, izolacia.

Gloria Pizzilli
Arianna Petrakis
laria Pacini
Adele Bacci
Viac info o projekte:

pondelok 9. augusta 2010


 Pre viac foto klikni  SEM
exhibition - DYNASTY

place - /the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (MAM) and the Palais de Tokyo

date-  11 june 2010 - 05 september 2010

chief curators
Fabrice Hergott and
Marc-Olivier Wahler

At the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (MAM)
Angeline Scherf, Jessica Castex, Anne Dressen, Maxime Hourdequin, Pénélope Ponchelet. Assistants: Elsa Beaudoin and Cloé Perrone.
at the Palais de Tokyo
Daria de Beauvais, Julien Fronsacq, Katell Jaffrès. Assistants: Jeanne Dreyfus Daboussy, Eléonore Gros, Sarah Ligner, Laura Turcan 

artists - Gabriel Abrantes and Benjamin Crotty / Farah Atassi / Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann / Gaëlle Boucand / Mohamed Bourouissa / Guillaume Bresson / Pierre-Laurent Cassière / Yuhsin U. Chang / Stéphanie Cherpin / Pauline Curnier Jardin / Mélanie Delattre-Vogt / Alain Della Negra and Kaori Kinoshita / Dewar et Gicquel / Bertrand Dezoteux / Rebecca Digne / Antoine Dorotte / Julien Dubuisson / Vincent Ganivet / Fabien Giraud and Raphaël Siboni / Camille Henrot / Louise Hervé and Chloé Maillet / Armand Jalut / Laurent Le Deunff / Benoît Maire / Vincent Mauger / Robin Meier and Ali Momeni / Théo Mercier / Nicolas Milhé / Benoît-Marie Moriceau / Jorge Pedro Núñez / Masahide Otani / Florian Pugnaire and David Raffini / Jean-Xavier Renaud / Raphaëlle Ricol / Bettina Samson / Alexandre Singh / Oscar Tuazon and Eli Hansen / Cyril Verde + Mathis Collins / Duncan Wylie / Chen Yang /


1 vystava, 2 miesta, 40 umelcov, 80 navrhov....
Velkolepa spolupraca dvoch vyznamnych parizskych institucii - Muzeum Moderneho umenia mesta Paris a Palais de Tokyo, vyustila do megalomanskeho vystavneho projektu DYNASTY, ktory na 5 000 m2 predstavuje novu, nastupujucu generaciu umelcov. Kazdy z umelcov vystavuje dve dialogujuce diela (umelecke navrhy) v dvoch susednych instituciach.

Odporucam tuto stranku, kde najdete blizsie info o vystave aj o kazdom z umelcov.


videopozvanka na vystavu:

atmosfera z vernisaze:

nedeľa 8. augusta 2010

Monumenta 2010 - Christian Boltanski - Personnes (Grand Palais)

artist - Christian Boltanski(1944, Paris)
exhibition - Personnes (Monumenta 2010)
place - Grand Palais Paris
13 january - 8 february 2010
curator: Catherine Grenier
Francuzsky umelec Christian Boltanski bol v ramci projektu MONUMENTA (kazdy rok jedna monograficka vystava sucasneho umenia v monumentalnom priestore historickej budovy Grand Palais)tretim umelcom, ktory na vyzvu ministerstva kultury mohol experimentovat s tymto velkolepym priestorom. Rozhodol sa ho vyplnit hrbou siat poukladanych do stvorcov, na ktore svietili neony. Pri vstupe nas privitala masivna stena vyskladana zo zhrdzavenych zasuviek s cislami. Mraziva a deprimujuca atmosfera bola zosilnena hlasnymi tlkotmi ludskych srdc (dlhorocny Christianov projekt, opisany nizsie). V strede sa tycila obrovska hora siat, ktorej vrchol bol pravidelne naruseny ramenom zeriavu, ktory vzdy nabral hrstku siat a potom ich nechal volne padnut spat na kopu. Instalacia predstavuje umelcovu viziu Posledneho sudu, kedy Bozia ruka vybera nahodne jeden z kopy ludskych zivotov. Vsetko je nahoda. Osud. Ako inak by sme mohli vysvetlit ze novorodenec umrie skor ako starec?
Boltanski vystavou nadvazuje na svoju dlhorocnu tvorbu v ktorej sa predovsetkym zaobera vojnou, smrtou, kolektivizmom v kontraste s jednotlivcom.
Preto referencie na holokaust (kolektivna vina, kolektivne spomienky) no aj smrt ako taku (intimny a bolestivy zivot kazdeho z nas)boli citelne od prveho momentu.
Umelec si napriek dvojrocnej tradicii organizovat projekt Monumenta v lete, vyziadal dva zimne mesiace, kedy je v obrovskom sklenenom palaci bez kurenia neskutocna zima. Donutil tak divaka ostat v kabate, triast sa od zimy a pozerat na hrbu oblecenia vsade dookola. Chlad este viac vypichol pochmurnu atmosferu.
Hlavne temy: smrt, vojna, intimita, bolest, plynutie casu, kolobeh, osud, spomienky.
Vystava nas prinutila rozmyslat, spominat, prechadzat sa, vnimat cas, chlad, zvuky, priestor... neopakovatelny zazitok!


Boltanski na tomto projekte pracuje uz niekolko rokov. Jeho cielom je nahrat a archivovat co najviac ludskych srdc. A nasledne spravit databazu. Ku kazdej nahravke je pridelene cislo, meno, datum. Cize kazdy kto sa projektu zucastni si o par rokov svoje srdce moze vyhladat a vypocut. Tento archiv srdc bude od buduceho roku (2011) umiestneny na japonskom ostrove Teshima. Zatial ma Boltanski nahranych okolo 60 000 srdc, ich pocet stale rastie. 
Projekt je reflexiou o plynuti casu, bytia.. Ludske srdce je symbol zivota. O par rokov ale vsetci ludia, ktori nahrali svoje srdce budu mrtvi. Boltanski tak vytvara archiv/ databazu mrtvych dusi...

Aj pocas vystavy Personnes, si kazdy navstevnik mal moznost nahrat a zaregistrovat svoje srdce a stat sa tak sucastou umeleckeho diela. Za poplatok 10eur, sme si mohli kupit nahravku vlastneho srdca aj s registracnym cislom. Mam ju doma :)

Pocas 6tyzdnovej vystavy sa nahralo okolo 16 000 srdc.

Video o Archive Srdc

  pohlad na vyludnenu vystavu par minut pred zatvorenim ...

February 6, 2010
concert Polvere at Grand Palais for exhibition Personnes for instrumental ensemble and choir
cello solo: Sonia Wieder-Atherton
compositor:  Franck Krawczyk